Dental Veneers Can Give You a White Smile That’s Easy to Maintain

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Yellow tooth enamel, chips, discoloration, and old fillings can all affect the appearance of your smile. This can leave you feeling self-conscious and wanting to explore your cosmetic dental solutions. One of the most effective methods for improving the appearance of your smile is to have Dr. Stan Scalf install dental veneers.

Dental veneers in Georgetown, Kentucky, are custom-shaped, thin, porcelain shells that he cements onto the face of each tooth in your smile. The porcelain material can be shaded to look just like natural tooth enamel. Since it won’t be as receptive to future stains, it will help you maintain your white smile between your regular dental checkups and cleanings.

Dr. Stan Scalf will start the process by examining each tooth in your smile and taking a few X-rays to make sure each tooth has enough enamel to mount a veneer. If one or more teeth have insufficient enamel or are compromised by past tooth decay issues, he might recommend having that tooth restored by a porcelain dental crown.

First, Dr. Stan Scalf will shave a section of your tooth to make room for the veneer. Then, he will make a detailed impression of your teeth. This will be sent to a professional dental lab where your dental veneers will be meticulously cast. When the dental veneers are ready, he will call you back in for a second appointment. During this session, the corresponding veneer will be secured in place with a special dental adhesive.

If you’re interested in improving your smile with dental veneers, you should call 502-863-9340 to schedule an appointment at Stan Scalf DMD.