There are a variety of things that can cause a chip on one of your teeth. This can come in the form of something traumatic like a sports injury, or suffering from a hard fall around the house. At the same time, people who grind their teeth at night on a frequent basis, or who have a bad habit of improvising... read more »
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Unfortunately, that’s not always the case for your smile. There are many things that can damage the teeth and gums. However, if you’re careful, you can maintain a top-notch holiday smile. This is by protecting it. To help you, our dentist, Dr. Stan Scalf, has some tips. First, keep up on oral... read more »
Periodontal disease is often promoted by hardened tartar left in your mouth by inconsistent oral hygiene practices. Early signs of the mild gum inflammation of gingivitis might involve gums that bleed easily or look inflamed and bad breath problems. Without treatment from a dentist like Dr. Stan Scalf, gingivitis can gradually worsen into the more severe form of periodontal disease... read more »
Athletic injuries and automotive collisions that result in a hard blow to the mouth can sometimes carry enough force to knock out multiple teeth. Even if these teeth could be saved by an emergency root canal, other medical treatment might take priority. This could end up requiring the remaining dental roots to be extracted during emergency care. Once you have... read more »
If you have a chalky feeling in your mouth on a regular basis, then there is a good chance you suffer from dry mouth. Dry mouth is a condition that can be very dangerous for the teeth. As it’s said by its name, dry mouth involves a decrease in saliva production, leaving the mouth yearning for water. This is a... read more »
If you have been told by your dentist to floss, then it is time to floss! Everyone should be flossing each day to keep their oral health in tip-top shape! However, if you are new to shopping for floss, how do you know which one to choose? To help you on your journey, our team here at Stan Scalf DMD... read more »
Many of your facial expressions are accentuated by your smile’s appearance. When your teeth are affected by dental stains, discolored tooth enamel, or minor physical imperfections, it can cause you to guard your expressions. In a situation like this, you should consider setting up a consultation at Stan Scalf DMD. The specific nature of the cosmetic imperfections on your smile... read more »
Sometimes parents don’t favor the idea of their children being awarded with money when they lose a tooth. No matter the reasons, they try to avoid it as much as possible. Fortunately, there are other ways the Tooth Fairy can reward your child, and our dentist, Dr. Stan Scalf, is happy to tell you all about those ways. The first... read more »
Are you aware that sleep apnea can be produced by a wide-ranging amount of issues stemming from your oral health all the way to irrepressible genetics? Even your brain could be responsible for your sleep apnea. Understanding the causes of sleep apnea is one of the initial steps you can take to determine if you have it, and then what... read more »
As your child grows up, their 20 primary teeth will gradually be replaced by the set of 32 adult teeth. These teeth need to last for the rest of their life. Maintaining good oral health during adolescence and early adulthood will reduce their chances of suffering undue dental problems in their later years. Permanent molars and premolars in the back... read more »