Are you aware that sleep apnea can be produced by a wide-ranging amount of issues stemming from your oral health all the way to irrepressible genetics? Even your brain could be responsible for your sleep apnea. Understanding the causes of sleep apnea is one of the initial steps you can take to determine if you have it, and then what... read more »
As your child grows up, their 20 primary teeth will gradually be replaced by the set of 32 adult teeth. These teeth need to last for the rest of their life. Maintaining good oral health during adolescence and early adulthood will reduce their chances of suffering undue dental problems in their later years. Permanent molars and premolars in the back... read more »
The large molars in the back of your mouth play an important role in helping you chew and grind tough foods before swallowing. Poor oral hygiene habits can put these teeth at increased risk of suffering a cavity. When this happens, the discomfort can limit your overall oral function and impact your quality of life. With early detection, Dr. Stan... read more »
Everyone loves a bright smile. And Stan Scalf DMD loves seeing people with bright smiles! If you are self-conscious about your smile because of missing teeth, it may be time to talk to us about dental implants to see if they are right for you. Dental implants are a safe, effective alternative to dentures or partials for many patients. Dental... read more »
Is bruxism putting a damper on your smile? If your teeth or gums show signs of harm that cannot be easily be explained, you may be suffering from bruxism. If you would like to know more about bruxism, listed below are some regularly asked questions: What is bruxism? - Bruxism is an oral health disorder in which a person grinds... read more »
You probably know that you should brush and floss your teeth regularly if you’re interested in avoiding decay. However, did you know that children might actually be vulnerable to cavities? In fact, about 42% of children between two and eleven years old have a cavity in their teeth. Furthermore, 28% of children who are between two and five will have... read more »
Has your child begun the process of teething yet? Although a child is often born with many of their teeth, they do not begin to breach the surface of the gums until around half a year old. When they start to break the skin of the gums, it can be painful to a child. Fortunately, there are products that can... read more »
A toothache is a pain often felt in a tooth that can range from mild to debilitating. Oftentimes the pain stems from the nerve endings in the pulp either damaged or infected. A variety of reasons could be at fault for the damage, including oral accidents, cavities, infection, tooth loss, unseen damage, and other internal health issues. When is a... read more »
Food and drinks can contain sugars and carbohydrates that, when bacteria are present in your mouth, can be transformed into harmful acids that eat through your precious tooth enamel. Even foods that have naturally occurring sugars, such as honey, can still damage your teeth. To avoid the harmful effects these acids have on your mouth, minimize the amount of these... read more »
Would you be surprised to learn that there are a few things you should do to keep your teeth strong? For instance, you may know that brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist are all important steps parts to protecting your teeth but did you know that it’s also important to wear a mouthguard while you’re playing sports? Did you know... read more »